Health News

Are You Ready for the Hurricane?
When a tropical storm or hurricane watch or warning is underway, there is more you can do that anxiously watch news weather forecasts. You can prepare. Taking steps to protect your life, your loved ones and your property can reduce the damage from a hurricane or tropical storm. Prepare for an oncoming hurricane or tropical storm. First, learn and store numbers and addresses of necessary references. This includes the local emergency management office, law enforcement and public safety, hospitals, utilities and Red Cross. Also know which TV stations and radio stations will kee...
Peace can Exist Post-Divorce
After divorce, conflict between parents can be common, often parents argue over parenting styles, money and custody, but it is possible to change the relationship.
A New Intervention for Domestic Violence?
Could intimate partner violence be helped through better communication skills? The research team at the Center for Couples Therapy in Houston thinks so.
‪Open-Fire Cooking and Kids' Brains‬
There's nothing like a barbecue or roasting marshmallows over a campfire to bring a family closer. But too much exposure to open-flame cooking may affect a child's developing brain.
Brain Power Against Chemical Solvents
Education helps the human brain to make complex networks of neurological connections. Evidence suggests that these kinds of networks defend against chemical solvent damage.
If Bars are Close, Violence May Be Closer
Growing research has developed indicating risk factors for potential violence in intimate relationships that come from both genetic and environmental sources, and new research suggests a person’s proximity to the neighborhood bar scene may contribute to their aggression at home. 
Multiple Homes Produce Health Risks
We all know that stability is important for healthy development in childhood. Moving frequently can be a factor that disrupts children's social stability.
Eat Mindfully at Your Favorite Haunts
Avoiding restaurants because of your diet? A new study says you may not have to if you make smart, "mindful" choices.
Prenatal Smoking is Deadly
We've known for decades that smoking during pregnancy is potentially damaging for the baby, and has been linked to various birth defects, premature birth, underdeveloped lungs, low birthweight and many other problems.
You Can't Drink Away Your Worries
You had a bad day and all you need is a beer to soothe your problems. That seems to be the common mindset with others as well because binge drinking is increasing during these hard times.