Health News

Preventing HIV with a Pill
A single pill could soon become an important tool in the fight against HIV.
Dating Apps May Be Compromising Gay Men's Sexual Health
Since 2009, smartphone dating apps have become increasingly popular among gay men. These apps use GPS to locate any user within a given area. But this easy access may come with serious consequences.
How Sex Affects Your Health
Sex is a complex topic that has many implications for both mental and physical health. Whether or not you are actively engaged in a sexual relationship, it is important to be knowledgeable about the various ways that sex can affect you. Here are some of the more significant ways that sex can benefit and complicate your health.
Benefits of Regular Physical Activity
There are many health benefits to being a physically active person. Here’s a list from what you might gain from developing an exercise routine.
Some Antibiotics May Injure Male Kidneys
Antibiotics fight off a broad range of bacterial infections. In middle-aged and older men, however, certain kinds of antibiotics may cause the kidneys to start shutting down.
The Critters Change After You're Cut
One of the decisions parents of boys must make is whether to circumcise their sons. But uncircumcised men can also decide to become circumcised if they wish.
Male UTI Treatments May Miss the Mark
Urinary tract infections (UTI) are more common in women than in men. But for men who have UTIs, poorly defined treatments can lead to antibiotic resistance and higher costs.
Prostate Cancer Goes Viral
The human papillomavirus (HPV) is linked to a number of cancers. And the Epstein Barr virus is associated with nasal cancer. It turns out these two viruses may have a mysterious association with yet another.
Are Gay Couples Practicing Safe Sex Equally?
To use a condom or to not use a condom? For gay couples, the answer was different among different races.
HPV Shot Protects Boys from Cancer Too
One of the easiest ways to prevent more than five different kinds of cancers is to get vaccinated for HPV - but doctors may not be vaccinating boys as frequently as they should be.