Health News

Maladies of Men Only
Men and women have much in common. But let's face it: there are some obvious differences between the sexes, especially when it comes to sexual health.
How Reliable a Link?
Though men who have vascular erectile dysfunction appear to be at a higher risk of developing cardiovascular disease, that doesn't mean ED alone should be considered a risk factor.
The Resolution Plan
It's that time of year again - time to make all those resolutions with all those good intentions that go behind them.
Surgery Gives Low Testosterone a Boost
Male infertility (the inability to reproduce) can be caused by a number of factors, including varicoceles , or swollen veins in the scrotum. Now, it seems varicoceles may lead to problems even more severe than infertility.
Young Generation Faces Health Gap
For young Americans, the gap in levels of health care has increased substantially. If you were born in the United States after 1980, the health disparity may have grown like never before.
Age Doesn't Stop Runners
It may surprise you to know that runners over the age of 60 are the fastest-growing group in the sport. And new research shows that the efficiency of their running can be just as fast as younger runners.
Hey Guys, It's Male Breast Cancer Awareness Month
The incidence of breast cancer in men remains quite low and so does awareness of the disease. Yet the most common cancer in women does show up in men who need to be on the lookout for breast changes...too.
Testosterone Wards Off Heart Problems
Testosterone does more than just protect muscle strength and sexual health. In fact, naturally high levels of testosterone may be beneficial to the heart in older men.
Protect Your Prostate
Eating the right foods and exercising regularly are key elements in staying healthy. There’s no wonder experts all around the world say these same elements help keep prostate healthy.
Cialis OK'ed for Prostate Condition
With its latest FDA approval, Cialis (tadalafil) can now help men shrink a certain swollen organ while also making another organ swell. The FDA has approved the erectile dysfunction medication to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), also known as enlarged prostate.