Health News

Linking Dementia and Depression?
Aging is a part of life and it can involve changes in the brain. Most do not develop memory problems or depression, but these two things can develop together in some people.
Replaying Memories as Dementia Therapy?
Reminiscence therapy uses the good aspects of memory to help people feel better. A recent study wanted to know if this therapy could help dementia patients and their caregivers.
Battle of the Brain Trauma
Moods shift. Personalities change. Memories are difficult to form and recall. All are signs of the brain breaking down over time and researchers are getting a better understanding of how to diagnose the condition.
Back Pain? Quit Smoking Now
Nicotine doesn’t help pain—it actually makes it worse. Patients with spinal disorders, who quit smoking during treatment, reported less back pain after quitting.
Alzheimer’s Tests Working Together
Medical tests for Alzheimer’s disease (AD) may help with early diagnosis, but no test is perfect. A recent study found that conducting multiple tests together improved the accuracy. But is this expense worth it?
Lonely Heart Club's Dementia Risk
Many seniors live alone in their golden years, but this doesn't mean they're lonely. But feeling lonely may affect how long they are able to live alone before developing dementia.
Meeting the Needs of Dementia Patients
Mental disorders in the elderly, like dementia, can create many special needs for the patient and their caregivers. Many of the needs may be met, but some may not.
Another Strike Against Teen Smoking
As a teenager, it’s hard to imagine that actions like smoking can have a lifetime effect. However, research is constantly showing that adolescence is an important period in women’s health.
Asking For Help Can Make Some Sad
Sometimes it’s difficult to ask for help, even if it’s really needed. For some, the assistance of others is met with relief. For others, it can bring depression and sadness.
More Than Hot Flashes
Hot flashes are a biggie among middle-aged women. But common effects of menopause can differ around the world. New research has identified a number of different symptoms among menopausal women with osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease.