Health News

Secondhand Smoke and Your Unborn Baby
It's pretty well established that smoking while pregnant leads to various negative health effects for your child. But even being around cigarette smoke can affect your unborn baby.
Is He Really Mr. Right?
Is it normal to have doubts before you get married, or could it be a sign of things to come?
Alcohol Slows Unborn Babies' Learning
Many studies have looked at differences in children whose mothers drank while pregnant compared to kids whose moms didn't. But what about differences before the babies are even born?
Put the Cigarette Down & No One Gets Fat
If you're thinking of lighting up while a little one kicks in your tummy, this might stop you. Do you want an overweight child?
A Smile's Positive Effect
A smile comes naturally when we are feeling good. But what is the science behind this automatic expression of joy? How is smiling received in another person? How does it effect our physical health? How can it effect the wellbeing of others who weren't even directly exposed to it?
Handling Tough News When Pregnant
It's a catch-22. If you find out your child has a heart defect before he's born, you can prepare. But it can also stress out mom — which can affect the baby as well.
Bipolar... and Pregnant
They say pregnancy can give women crazy mood swings as her hormones are in flux. So what if a woman already has bipolar disorder and becomes pregnant?
Different Types of Post-Baby Suffering
There is more than one way to hurt after having a baby. Postpartum depression is a real and serious condition. So is abuse from your partner, and the two are linked.
Ecstasy During Pregnancy a Bad Idea
A study on how ecstasy during pregnancy might affect babies at 4 months old was published early this year. Now those babies are a year old. They're still developing slowly.
Pot Unsafe While Pregnant
Most people have known that smoking marijuana was not safe for pregnancy. Modern, high-potency marijuana poses additional dangers for fetal development.