Health News

Mental Disorders and Children
One out of seven (15.4 percent) US children aged 2 to 8 years old had at least one diagnosed mental, behavioral or developmental disorder (MBDD), according to a recent study.
The Truth About Alcohol
You hear a lot about moderate alcohol intake and good health, but the research backing up those claims might be flawed, a new study found.
Easy Steps to Heart Health
Heart disease takes more lives of men and women than any other disease in the US, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Depressed? You May Find It Harder to Quit
Managing depression and trying to quit smoking at the same time can be a balancing act. But do depressed patients need additional support to quit?
The “Change” Doesn’t Have to Be the End
Women often dread menopause, recounting the hot flashes and mood swings of their mothers. A new review offers some insight into what it really means to go through the "change of life."
The Prevalence of PTSD in Teens
By now, bullying and cyberbullying are on many parents' minds. But just how common are these problems among teens?
In Spinal Cord Rehab, Timing Matters
The human brain and nervous system have considerable healing abilities. And that is critically important for patients with spinal cord injuries.
Got Chronic Neck Pain? Stop Smoking Now!
It’s a well-known fact — cigarettes are bad for your health. Just how far the negative health effects of cigarettes reach, however, may come as a surprise to many.
Another Reason to Sleep Well and Exercise
There's now even more evidence to help back up the touted health benefits of sleep and exercise.
Activities for Patients With Alzheimer's
Patients with Alzheimer’s disease need healthy routines just as much as anyone else. But it’s not always easy for them to plan their days and complete certain tasks. That's where caregivers can help.