Health News

Shingles Vaccine Safe for More Patients
People taking immunity-suppressing drugs are currently advised against the live-virus shingles vaccine because there is concern that it could lead to shingles, for this population.
Arthritis the Natural Way
Living with arthritis involves more than popping a pill when your joints start to ache. You must make key changes to your lifestyle and take treatment into your own hands. If you have arthritis, it may hurt to walk or even do easy chores like washing the dishes. It is not only pain that gets in your way, but also fatigue. Like many arthritis patients, you may find that drugs just don't cut it when it comes to dealing with the pain and fatigue of your condition. Luckily, there are a number of ways to treat your symptoms naturally at home or on your own time. Exercise, diet, physi...
Dimming the Flame of Pain: Arthritis and All That
Your joints may feel tight. Your hips might hurt so bad that you can barely walk. Your back may feel so weak that you cannot even sit up straight. If you are experiencing these symptoms, you might have arthritis.
The Many Faces of Arthritis
Joint pain. Inflammation. Muscle fatigue. Your body just feels tired, and you're aching every day. When you're diagnosed with arthritis, you have one of 100 different types of the disease.
In Need of Vitamin D
Sitting in the sun can help you get healthy doses of vitamin D. But it seems some people with a certain form of arthritis are not getting enough of the sun's rays.
Psoriatic Arthritis Patients Need More Vitamin D
The right levels of major vitamins are important for your good health. Many medical conditions, such as psoriasis, can send those vitamin levels plummeting.