Health News

Prenatal Yoga for Prenatal Depression
While most people have heard of postpartum depression, prenatal depression can also affect about one in five women. Yoga might be one method to deal with these emotions.
Being Unable to Conceive
The stress of dealing with infertility take both a physical and emotional toll on women's bodies. Now, there's evidence that this stress can lead to mental health conditions as well.
Antidepressant Safety During Pregnancy
Much is still uncertain about what drugs are safe while pregnant, so deciding what to take or avoid may require a tradeoff. Such may be the case for a common group of antidepressants.
Natural PMS Relief
If you're a woman, you know those days before the flow can be difficult, even hellish, for you - and those around you. Do not despair, nature has a remedy that's now clinically proven to work.
The Sadness Sticks
After a miscarriage, many women experience depression and anxiety. These mental health problems can continue for many years, even after the mother gives birth to a healthy child, according to new research.
False Alarms and Unnecessary Upsets
Patients with false-positive breast cancer mammograms report serious anxiety and a reduced quality of life for at least one year, according to new research from the Netherlands.