Health News

Play in the Sun, Yes
Sunscreen? Yes indeed. SPF 15, 30, or 50? No worries. Parents are a-okay with their children playing in the sun.
Seeing Trends in Cancer and Pregnancy
Most women at prenatal appointments listen to the baby's heartbeat, discuss nutrition or hear general advice from their doctor. But the number hearing a cancer diagnosis is increasing.
Chemo Is an Option for Pregnant Women
So little is understood about the effects of chemotherapy on a developing baby that doctors are still learning about how safe treatment is during pregnancy.
Older Mothers Have Lower Cancer Risks
Women are having babies and growing their families later in life. In terms of one cancer risk, being older is helpful.
Bigger Baby Means Bigger Cancer Risk - EMBARGOED 17-Jul-2012 4pm CST
Most research related to a baby's birth weight focuses on how a baby's size may impact his or her long-term health but a baby's size also has implications for the mother's' health.
Preserve Fertility for Life After Cancer
Young women who require chemotherapy or other cancer treatment may find that the treatment risks permanent damage to their fertility - but science is catching up.
Pregnancy After Breast Cancer
If you're planning to get pregnant, don't let a prior breast cancer diagnosis stop you. Pregnancy following breast cancer remission appears to be safe.
Children Exposed to Chemotherapy Develop Normally
Pregnant women undergoing cancer therapy worry that the treatment will hurt their baby's health. But rest assured, chemotherapy does not put a growing baby at risk of health problems, reports a new study.
Birth Control Device Diminishes Cervical Cancer
The country has come a long way in its attitudes concerning sexually-transmitted diseases. Recall the outrage at the recommendation of condom use to avoid transmission of HIV. Now, most embrace the idea of proactive measures to curb the spread of sexually-transmitted diseases.
Older Women Up Cancer Ante by Smoking
The younger a smoker is that decides to quit, obviously the better for their health. Women in their golden years can receive immediate benefits from quitting.