Health News

How the Mediterranean Diet Might Help Your Heart
Wine, cheese, seafood and pasta — could this really be a heart-healthy diet? Actually, it could be. Called the Mediterranean diet, it includes fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts, fish, olive oil and red wine in moderation.
Stopping Diabetes in Its Tracks — Before It Starts
Many Americans are on the path to developing diabetes, but it’s not too late to make a U-turn.
The Benefits of Working Hard in the Gym
Exercise is almost never a bad thing, but new evidence suggests that not all exercise is created equal.
Long-Acting Insulin Offers New Option for Diabetes Patients
Diabetes patients just got a more potent insulin option.
How Your Breakfast Might Affect Your Blood Sugar
There may be more to healthy eating than vitamins, minerals, and fat and sugar content. How much you eat and when could have an effect on your blood sugar, too.
These Steps May Cut Diabetes Risk in New Moms
Between late-night feedings and diaper changes, new moms may not prioritize their own blood sugar levels. However, healthy choices and medications could prevent diabetes in those at risk for it.
How to Avoid Aching Knees
Knee pain — a sign of arthritis, related to obesity or just the result of getting older? Whatever the reason, diet and exercise might be able to prevent or reduce knee pain in overweight older adults with diabetes.
Cholesterol, Sugar Guidelines May Change
No cholesterol, yes cholesterol. No coffee, yes coffee. What to eat can get pretty confusing for the average eater. New recommendations may clear up some of that confusion.
One Small Diet Change May Help Weight Loss
You may not have to give your diet a complete overhaul to lose a little weight. Making just one change to your diet may help you drop a few pounds.
Smoking May Be Even Riskier Than Once Thought
Smokers, it’s never too late to quit — and there may now be even more good reasons to do so.