Health News

Get Your Measles Booster With The Milk
Getting your flu shot — and nine other common vaccines — just became a bit more convenient. No need to hassle with a doctor appointment. Just drop by Walmart.
Time to Vaccinate Your Child Against Flu
September is the time to get your family ready for this year's flu season. When should children start getting vaccinated against flu?
Listen & Learn Ladies
What’s the best way to get the word out about major health issues? For certain groups, a short story on the radio can reach and educate a lot of people easily and successfully.
No Pet Turtle for You, Kid!
They seem like the perfect pets: they're slow, mild and quiet, and they come with their own case. But turtles, like other reptiles, carry a danger for small children — salmonella.
Whooping Cough Vaccine Needs More Oomph
Vaccines may be one of medicine's greatest inventions, but they're not perfect. Some can lose effectiveness over time, like the DTaP that protects against whooping cough.
Whack-A-Mole for HPV Vaccine
Sometimes medicine is kind of like a game of whack-a-mole. You whack down one thing, and then another pops up. Some scientists have been worried that could happen with HPV.
Official Circumcision Policy Updated
To cut, or not to cut? That is literally the centuries-old question. The American Academy of Pediatrics ( AAP ) has wavered on their position regarding circumcision.
Some Kids Can Die from Flu
The best thing a person can do to prevent the flu is to get a flu shot. Just that simple. And yes, getting the vaccine is especially important for children at higher risk of dying from the flu.
Ten Years of Hepatitis A Protection
While some vaccines can be given once and offer protection for life, others require booster shots and still may wear off over time.
Whooping Cough Vaccination is Important
When California had the highest number of pertussis cases in six decades in 2010, public health officials took notice. Pertussis (whooping cough) is especially dangerous for babies.