Health News

Cries from Baby, Tears from Mama
You are a new mom, and your baby cries… and cries… and cries. Nothing you do seems to help. At the very least though, you can watch out for yourself.
Arriving On Time Better Than Too Early
Medicine has advanced considerably in the care of babies born extremely early. However, these babies are still at high risk for long-term problems, and every extra week counts.
Pediatricians Weigh in on Home Birth
Home births in the US have been increasing, but how safe is it to have a baby at home? Do these children have less access to emergency care if needed. 
Reading the Future in Placenta Cells?
Autism runs in families, past research has shown. But even when a family risk is known, children are not usually diagnosed with autism until they are toddlers.
Expecting a Baby? Expect Regular Visits
It can be tempting to skip out on doctor's appointments occasionally to save money in health costs. When pregnant, however, women should think twice before skipping a prenatal visit.
No Spoonful of Medicine for the Kiddo
It can be frustrating to watch your toddler or your baby suffer from a cold or a bad cough. But giving them over-the-counter medicines is not usually a good idea.
How Well Are Little Hearts Surviving?
The ability of doctors to care for newborns with birth defects continues to improve in the US. Babies who may have died from a serious defect decades ago are more likely to survive now.
When Baby-Making Just Takes Longer
Having difficulty conceiving a baby over a long period of time may indicate a condition called subfertility. Subfertility carries its own slight risks if parents eventually do have a baby.
The Consequences of Teen Abuse
The US has one of the highest teen pregnancy rates among developed nations. Understanding the risk factors for teen pregnancy might lead to effective prevention.
A Weak Link of Broken Hearts--EMBARGOED until 11:01pm CST on 3/23/13
The effects of a mother's body on her developing child are still mysterious in many ways. For example, the possible effects of emotional stress on a baby aren't totally understood.