Health News

Even a Little Overweight is Bad for Baby
If you think being just a little overweight won't present problems for your pregnancy, think again. Addressing your weight could mean a safer delivery for you and your baby.
Pregnant Diabetics and Taking Levemir
The insulin drug Levemir , whose generic name is detemir , has been moved from a riskier category of medications for pregnant women to a less risky category by the FDA.
Pregnancy Complications Can Predict Heart Disease
Pregnancy-related complications such as gestational diabetes and preeclampsia may not just put your health at risk in the short term. Such pregnancy disorders also may affect your risk of heart disease later in life.
Risky Business: Diabetic and Pregnant
Before getting pregnant, women should make sure that they are in good health. An unhealthy mother is more likely to have an unhealthy baby. This may be especially true for women with diabetes.
Does Exercise Beat All Types of Diabetes?
While exercise is key to preventing type 2 diabetes, it may not help women prevent diabetes during pregnancy. Even if that is the case, exercise can still provide many benefits to pregnant women.
Polycystic Ovary Creates Problems
Women with polycystic ovary syndrome are more likely to have complications with pregnancy and giving birth, including diabetes, preeclampsia and premature birth.