BabyInfo Center

What Vitamin D May Do for Kids' Health
Parents try to do everything they can to keep their kiddos healthy and happy, which can also set kids up to be healthy adults. This principle may also apply to making sure kids get the right amount of vitamin D.
Tot Meals Not as Healthy as They Seem
Few children say no to sweets and salty snacks. However, a healthy diet early in life may set kids on a path to good health.
Growing up Early with Sugar-Sweetened Drinks
Girls are becoming women at younger ages, and sugar-sweetened beverages might be playing a role.
Thyroid Screening for At-Risk Women May Help Pregnancy
Decorate the baby's room, buy baby clothes, plan for the baby's future. Planning for pregnancy can be hectic, but many women may want to ask their doctor about one more thing: thyroid screening.
Pregnant or Planning? You May Want to Avoid This Rx
In many cases, pregnancy and opioids don't mix. Still, many women may be prescribed these medications.
Premature Babies Beating the Odds
Premature babies are beating the odds — more and more are going home from the hospital after they're born.
IVF Method May Be Safer Than Ever
Parents-to-be want their babies to be born as healthy and happy as possible. One pregnancy method is getting safer, which could enable more parents to make sure that happens.
Get Help for Depression in Pregnancy
Depression can take all the fun out of being a new mother. Researchers are trying to find better ways to diagnose the problem early.
These Factors Could Affect Kids' Learning
Could factors like household income affect a child's reading abilities? These seemingly unrelated factors might actually be connected.
This Vitamin May Prevent Birth Defects
An ingredient in your breakfast cereal may be preventing birth defects all across the US.