Womens HealthInfo Center

Sleep and Gestational Diabetes: A Possible Link
How you breathe while sleeping during early pregnancy may affect your risk for gestational diabetes.
TV and Your Brain Health
That nightly TV binge might be harming your brain.
Even One Drink a Day May Affect Your Heart
Even one small alcoholic drink each day may affect your risk of heart issues, a new study found.
Medications and Behind-the-Wheel Safety
Many people are not aware that their prescription medications can impair their ability to drive safely. Unfortunately, this lack of awareness can be dangerous on the road.
Working in the Cold: What You Need to Know
It's wintertime again — when temperatures take a dive. But don't let your health take a dive, too.
Tips to Prevent the Common Cold
Cold and flu season is here, but that doesn't have to mean you or your family will get sick. Outsmart germs with these simple strategies.
Medicines and Pregnancy: What You Need to Know
Pregnancy is a very special time in a woman's life. However, because some medications are safe during pregnancy and others are not, it can also be a confusing time.
Household Hazards: Staying Safe
Your home is your safe space away from all the safety hazards of daily life. But certain household substances and items can pose serious safety risks to your family.
Sickle Cell Disease: What You Need to Know
June 19 is World Sickle Cell Day, the perfect time to learn more about this disease.
Psoriasis 101
It's August, which means it's National Psoriasis Awareness Month. Are you in the know about this common skin condition?