Health News

If Your Feet Could Talk
We may not pay much attention to our feet. They are often covered with socks or shoes and, as the saying goes, “out of sight, out of mind.” Here are some common symptoms of more serious conditions to look out for, as well as possible explanations for what your feet say about your health.
Skin Complications of Diabetes
Diabetes can affect all parts of your body, even your skin. According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA), as much as 33 percent of diabetes patients will have a skin disorder in their lifetimes. Fortunately, skin complications can be prevented.
Complications of Diabetes
It's hard enough to keep track of your daily responsibilities. It's even harder to plan for events years down the road. But if you have diabetes, you must start taking steps now to possibly avoid complications in the future.
The Power of Purple
Fungal infections that cannot be treated with anti-fungals because they have become reistant to them may be treated effectively with lavender oil, according to a new study from the University of Coimbra in Portugal.
More than an Athlete's Foot
Close contact is common among athletes who participate in team sports. This closeness can lead to the spread of various skin infections, dermatologists warn.