Health News
Popular Diabetes Rx May Not Treat Heart Failure
Liraglutide (brand name Victoza), a medication currently used to treat type 2 diabetes, may not be as beneficial in those with heart failure than earlier studies have reported.
How Heart Attacks Affect Life Expectancy
After a heart attack, life expectancy can depend on many factors. Now new evidence suggests that even a patient's sex and skin color may play a role.
5 Lifestyle Factors Linked to Less Heart Failure
Your day-to-day activities just may halve your risk for heart failure.
What's Good for Diabetes May Be Good for the Heart
For those with type 2 diabetes, keeping blood sugar levels under control can seem like walking a tightrope. But that delicate balancing act may benefit more than just blood sugar.
Got Diabetes? Quit Smoking, but Take Care
If you smoke, quit! If you're a smoker who has diabetes, however, you may need to more closely monitor your blood sugar after you quit.
Smoking May Be Even Riskier Than Once Thought
Smokers, it’s never too late to quit — and there may now be even more good reasons to do so.
Diabetes May Affect Young and Old Differently
Diabetes affects millions in the US. But new research suggests that it may affect patients in different ways.
Blood Pressure Rx Cuts Heart Attack, Death Rate
Diabetes increases the likelihood of having heart disease. While blood pressure medications may help reduce related risks, some therapies may be more effective than others.
FDA Will Review Diabetes Rx for Heart Risk
Saxagliptin is a popular diabetes medication that helps lower blood sugar levels. Because research has shown that it may worsen heart failure, the FDA plans to review data on this medication.
Everything in Moderation, Even Salt
For years, the health care community has agreed that people at risk of heart disease should lower their salt intake. Now, it seems that too little salt may be just as harmful as too much salt.