Health News

Preventing Lung Complications After Surgery
Breathing training with a physical therapist before abdominal surgery may cut the risk of postoperative lung complications like pneumonia in half, according to a new study.
Flu Shot Less Effective in Seniors — Here's Why
Flu vaccines are known to be less effective in the elderly. But until now, the mechanisms behind this phenomenon were not well-understood.
Vaccination: What Travelers Need to Know
New evidence suggests that many Americans who travel abroad may wind up bringing home some unintended souvenirs.
Could Your Child Be at Risk for Measles?
Measles may seem like an ailment from a bygone era, but new evidence suggests that many US children may still be at risk today.
Come On back and See Us Real Soon
Hospital readmission rates for elderly black patients are greater than those of white patients, according to a new study.
Unprotected Old Folks
During both the 2009 H1N1 flu epidemic and the whooping cough outbreak in California, elderly Hispanics had high rates of infection. New research suggests this might be due to low vaccination rates and language.