Health News

Statins Alone Aren't the Only Option for High Cholesterol
When unhealthy cholesterol hits very high levels, patients might take a statin medication to help reduce those levels. For those who don’t respond well to this treatment, a lower-intensity statin with another medication may help.
Cholesterol Rx Good For Joints Too
Osteoarthritis and high cholesterol may seem like totally unrelated conditions. But as it turns out, the same medicines that lower cholesterol may also help prevent osteoarthritis. 
New Safety Concern for Cholesterol Meds
Some medications used to treat high cholesterol, like Lipitor or Caduet , were linked to some cases of myopathy , a muscle wasting disease.
Take a Liver Test Before Taking Statin Drugs
U.S. Food and Drug Administration officials have announced they will no longer recommend regular liver enzyme testing for patients taking one of several popular cholesterol-lowering drugs such as Lipitor ( atorvastatin ).
Vytorin Has Double Duty
Kidney disease patients face a high risk of heart-related events like stroke. As such, patients need ways to protect against potentially deadly problems. Now, health advisors are backing a drug that does just that.
Cholesterol Drugs May Prevent Strokes
Strokes are tough to predict, much less prevent. Cholesterol lowering drugs known as statins may be effective in preventing a second stroke among younger people.