Health News
ED Rx: A Possible Downside
While medications for erectile dysfunction can improve men's lives, they may also carry a downside.
Cholesterol Rx May Give Men's Love Life a Lift
For older men with narrowing of arteries or other heart health risk factors, statins may be prescribed to lower cholesterol. The medication may add an unexpected boost in the bedroom as well.
Got the ED Prescription, Get It Filled
Some men might find it embarrassing or difficult to seek treatment for sexual problems. Though a lot of men with erectile dysfunction make it to the doctor for help, only a few actually take it to the next step.
Best Rx Treatments for ED
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is treatable with medication. A recent study suggested that some medications are better than others in treating ED.
ED Rx Okay While Treating Kidney Failure
Men with end-stage renal disease can be successfully treated with dialysis and transplants. But their quality of life may be interrupted by erectile dysfunction (ED).
To Infinity and Beyond ED Drugs
Erectile dysfunction patients still want to rock their world and their partner's world. Drugs help 70 percent of these patients achieve an erection, but there's more to sex than that.
Sexy Rx: Lose Weight
Men with diabetes 2 can have co-existing conditions, including erectile dysfunction (ED). While ED can be treated with drugs like Viagra, Cialis and Levitra, weight loss may also work.