Health News

Stroke Risk Factors: A Growing Threat
In spite of stroke-prevention efforts in recent years, stroke risk factors appear to be becoming more common, according to a new study.
Obesity: Still a Big Problem in the US
Obesity continues to be a significant health concern across the United States, according to new data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Have Diabetes, Will Exercise
Exercise may be at the heart of good diabetes control. Literally.
5 Lifestyle Factors Linked to Less Heart Failure
Your day-to-day activities just may halve your risk for heart failure.
The Benefits of Working Hard in the Gym
Exercise is almost never a bad thing, but new evidence suggests that not all exercise is created equal.
6 Ways to Save Your Heart Health
Pumping iron to stay strong may keep your heart pumping, too. Healthy lifestyle practices may prevent the majority of heart attacks in younger women.
Yoga May Cut Heart Disease Risk
Want to reduce your heart disease risk? Some sun salutations or warrior poses might help.
Don't 'Bypass' Exercise After Weight Loss Surgery
Having weight loss surgery can improve obese patients' health, but it isn't a fix-all for health problems tied to being obese. Exercise may improve these patients' overall health even more and lower their risk for diabetes.