Physical Fitness Center

Staying Active During the Holidays
'Tis the season of heaping plates, sweet treats, endless holiday parties, lazy days off work and all-too-often, expanding waistlines.
Losing Weight: How Much and How Fast?
When trying to lose weight, how much should you lose and how fast should you do it?
How to Sit Less and Sit More
Did you know the majority of adults spend more than half of their day sitting?
Aging and the Effects of Inactivity
Getting older comes with a lot of changes, and one of those changes might be how your muscles react to inactivity, according to a new study.
How a Sedentary Lifestyle Affects Your Health
For frail, inactive adults, sedentary behaviors like sitting may raise their risk of dying, according to a new study.
The Keys to Diabetes Management
Taking medications as prescribed can make all the difference and this is no different for those with diabetes, according to a new study.
Active Kids Make Healthier Adults
Even a small increase in the number of kids who get regular exercise could help keep kids healthier into adulthood and save billions in medical costs, a new study found.
What Really Helps Older Patients with Heart Disease
For older adults with heart disease, physical activity is key to staying independent and promoting heart health, according to a statement from the American Heart Association (AHA).
How to Help Prevent Heart Failure
Lifestyle choices may help prevent heart failure, including a type that's usually resistant to available therapies, a new study found.
Teens and Muscle-Building Supplements
Although muscle-building supplements are not recommended in teenagers younger than 18, teens may have easy access to them, a new study found.
Why Athletes Should Keep an Eye on Their Eyes
In sports, keeping your eyes safe may be just as important as keeping your eyes on the ball, according to a new study.
Wearables May Not Mean More Weight Loss
Are wearable technologies for monitoring and tracking physical activity and diet worth it? Maybe not, according to a new study.
What Your Workout Is Worth
Getting your workouts in may mean health care savings, according to a new study.
Which Weight Loss Rx Is Best?
Which weight loss medication is the best? There may actually be a clear answer, according to a new study.
The Key to Cancer-Free
There's no sure way to prevent cancer, but practicing a healthy lifestyle can help a lot, a new study found.
Pre-Workout Product Recalled
Nubreed Nutrition, Inc., has issued a voluntary recall for its pre-workout product called Undisputed.
BMI Vs. Waist Circumference for Heart Health
For predicting heart disease risk, waist circumference may be a better tool than body mass index (BMI), a new study found.
Lose Weight on Your Way to Work
Adults who cycle or walk to work may have lower body fat percentage and body mass index (BMI) in midlife, compared to adults who drive.
Diabetes and Sitting: A Potential Link
OK, couch potatoes — here's yet another reason to get moving.
Weight Loss: Diet With a Side of Exercise
Exercise is important when you're trying to lose weight, but it may not be the only factor.