Bringing Home the Best from the Grocery Store

Healthy eating may be on the rise, but knowing what to buy can be a challenge

/ Author:  / Reviewed by: Joseph V. Madia, MD Beth Bolt, RPh

Are you one of the many Americans becoming more health-conscious?

Survey results from Technomic, an information and insights provider, suggest that people grew more health-savvy over the last decade. Many parents may be wanting to eat better and, in turn, may be looking for ways to feed their families healthier choices, too.

Buzz words like "processed," "organic" and "trans fat free" are heard in conversations, visible on packaging and doled out in expert advice. But if you have a family to feed, how do you sort through what's healthy and what's hype to bring home the best options from the grocery store?

dailyRx News Reporter Rachelle Grossman spoke to the experts to find out what to buy, what to watch out for and why. Check out the dailyRx News video for the full story.

Review Date: 
July 24, 2015