(RxWiki News) Do you have a good idea to help doctors address alcohol misuse during a routine visit? Voice your opinion on the U.S. Preventive Task Force Website before October 22, 2012.
The U.S. Preventive Task Force posted the alcohol misuse screening and intervention recommendation draft online. The draft is available for reading and public comment for four weeks.
"Visit the USPSTF website and be heard."
The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) has drafted a recommendation for screening, counseling and intervention tactics during routine office visits for alcohol misuse.
From September 24 to October 22, 2012, the public can visit the USPSTF website, read the recommendation and offer comments.
Currently, the USPSTF recommends that primary physicians screen adults 18 and older, including pregnant women, for any and all alcohol misuse.
In October 2011, Medicare approved screening for depression and alcohol misuse in older patients as part of primary doctor’s office visits.
These screenings are meant to prompt a dialogue between doctor and patient. In the event of the presence of risky drinking behavior doctors will be able to offer brief counseling and further recommendations for treatment if needed.
There is a constant back-and-forth between the Evidence-based Practice Center, public comment and external reports to shape the best practices possible for screening and intervention practices.
The USPSTF does not respond to individual comments. Rather, they take them into consideration when drafting the next recommendation document.
This open commentary platform is available for different preventive recommendations at different times. Some of the ones in the past were about screening for everything from ovarian cancer to management for obesity.
Each open comment period lasts for four weeks. If you wish to read and/or provide comment on screening and interventions for alcohol misuse in adults and pregnant women, visit the USPSTF website link bellow before October 22, 2012.
This article was published in September on the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force website.
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