Boning Up for Menopause Helps Colons

Astonel, Boniva, and Fosamax minimize colon cancer risk

(RxWiki News) Women trying to treat their menopause symptoms with hormone replacement therapy drugs have heard for years of the potentially terrible side effects they can cause. However, some medications not only treat one ailment, but might even prevent another.

Exciting research indicates that bone density promoting drugs such as Actonel, Boniva and Fosamax may offer postmenopausal women protection against colon cancer.

"Bone density drugs may help prevent colon cancer."

Dr. Gad Rennert of the Carmel Medical Center in Haifa and his team found that women who had been taking Fosomax for at least a year were less likely of developing colon cancer. The risk was lowered by an impressive 59 percent.

Eric Jacobs MD, from the American Cancer Society finds this study intriguing but encourages to tread lightly with this initial data as more studies are needed to confirm the finding. He says, “Fortunately, there are proven ways to help prevent colorectal cancer. In particular, all Americans, 50 or older, should get a screening test so that precancerous polyps can be detected and removed before they turn into cancer."

The Study


  • examined 933 women with colon cancer with an average age over 70
  • studied a similar group of women without cancer
  • discovered the bone density drugs seem to lower breast cancer risk
  • found that Fosamax has few side effects 
Review Date: 
April 14, 2011