Drug-Alcohol Combo is Dangerous

Substance abuse treatment programs saw too many drug and alcohol combo admissions

(RxWiki News) Substance abuse is risky no matter what. But, when combining drugs with alcohol, the risks for negative health outcomes increases considerably.

A recent study found that 37 percent of admissions into rehab in 2009 were for drug and alcohol abuse. The rates of drug and alcohol abuse together were nearly as high as drug abuse alone.

"Do not combine drugs and alcohol."

The Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS) compiled data from substance abuse treatment centers all over the U.S. in 2009. The Substance Abuse and Mental Services Administration (SAMHSA) released the report along with a treatment locator tool.

The report stated that 730,228, or 37 percent, of admissions into substance abuse treatment programs were for the combination of both drug and alcohol abuse.

Of those admissions, 23 percent were for alcohol abuse plus just one type of drug, while 14 percent were for alcohol abuse and two or more types of drugs.

Alcohol only admissions made up 24 percent and drugs only made up 38 percent.

Pamela S. Hyde, SAMHSA Administrator, said, “Even by themselves, alcohol and drug abuse can be devastating to one’s health and well-being, but a combination of drug and alcohol abuse increases one’s risk of serious, life-threatening consequences even more.”

“If you or anyone you know has a problem with drugs and alcohol, together or by themselves please seek help immediately—it is available and it can help.”

The report also stated that people tended to drink more alcohol when they were abusing drugs and the combination put them at a greater health risk.

SAMHSA has an easy to use online treatment locator tool available on their website.

This report was made available in August on the Substance Abuse and Mental Services Administration (SAMHSA) website. SAMHSA is a public health agency within the Department of Health and Human Services, no further funding information was provided and no conflicts of interest were found.

Review Date: 
August 17, 2012