Worst Cities for Winter Allergies in 2013
Different allergies can affect people at different times of the year. The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA) ranks cities in the US by “sneeze-factor.” Take a look to see if your city is on the list.
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Review Date:
December 16, 2013Citation:
Allergy Capitals, "AAFA 2013 Allergy Capitals" dailyRx News, "Allergies Overview, Treatment & More" Courtesy of Chris Bence | Dreamstime Courtesy of Benkrut | Dreamstime Courtesy of Natalia Bratslavsky | Dreamstime Courtesy of Melinda Fawver | Dreamstime Courtesy of Ffooter | Dreamstime Courtesy of Mashe | Dreamstime Courtesy of Dean Neitman | Dreamstime Courtesy of Wellesenterprises | Dreamstime
Last Updated:
July 1, 2014