Contributing Experts
C. Bradley Hare, M.D.
C. Bradley Hare, MD, is an assistant clinical professor of medicine at UCSF and medical director of the UCSF Positive Health Program at San Francisco General Hospital. Dr. Hare earned his medical degree from the Duke University School of Medicine in 1996 and was a resident in internal medicine at the Massachusetts General Hospital of Harvard Medical School. After completing fellowships in infectious diseases and in clinical pharmacology and toxicology at UCSF, he joined the faculty in the UCSF Department of Medicine in 2002.
As medical director of the HIV/AIDS clinic at San Francisco General Hospital, Dr. Hare has expanded clinical services to include an HIV-hepatitis co-infection treatment initiative, HIV medication adherence program, and prevention with positives services. Additionally, he has spearheaded the efforts to create a comprehensive, hospital-wide rapid HIV testing and linkage-to-care program, increasing the availability of HIV testing in the emergency department and across the San Francisco General Hospital campus. He created and precepts a teaching clinic for HIV and infectious diseases fellows at Ward 86, through which he has mentored over 13 fellowship trainees.
Dr. Hare’s independent research centers on HIV drug resistance and HIV-hepatitis co-infection, including the treatment of acute hepatitis C infection and kinetically-guided therapy of hepatitis infection in HIV co-infected patients. He is also a co-investigator with the Adult AIDS Clinical Trials Group. Dr. Hare has over 50 invited speaking engagements and numerous publications in peer-reviewed journals and book chapters.