Contributing Experts
Laurie Reece

As Operations Director of the Scientific Division of the Alliance for Paired Donation, Laurie oversees day to day operations, including working with centers to enroll pairs in the paired exchange database; performing match runs and facilitating paired exchange transplants; serves as staff liaison to the Scientific Operations Committee, APD Board, Histocompatibility Committee, and Grant Oversight Committee. She oversees outreach to patients, training new centers, and technical support for database issues.
As Executive Director of the Texas Transplantation Society (1995-present), Laurie continues to serve the society in an advisory capacity regarding legislation and education. This state society for transplant professionals is actively involved in transplantation and donation advocacy. In this capacity, Laurie promotes transplant-friendly legislation, including the bill to create the DonateLife Texas Registry, the revised UAGA, Chronic Kidney Disease Task Force legislation, and many other bills. In 2003, Laurie implemented the TTS-sponsored Donate Life Day at the state Capitol, held during every legislative session to educate legislators about the extreme shortage of organs.
Laurie is a Consultant to the Texas Medical Association’s Committee on Blood and Tissue Usage (2004- present). This committee reviews and makes policy recommendations on issues pertaining to organ transplantation as well as blood and tissue usage. She primarily works to apprise the committee of matters pertaining to transplant legislation and paired donation.