Contributing Experts
Toni Heineman, LCWS, DMH

Toni Vaughn Heineman, D.M.H., is the founder and Executive Director of A Home Within, the only national organization focused exclusively on the emotional well being of foster youth. She is Clinical Professor at the University of California at San Francisco in psychiatry and has been in private practice in San Francisco, working with adults, children, and families for over 30 years. Dr. Heineman consults with individuals and organizations. For over twenty years she has counseled parents during and following the divorce to support them in meeting their children’s on-going adjustments to their parents’ separation.
She is the author of several articles on psychotherapy with children and has made numerous presentations to lay and professional audiences about the mental health issues facing children and parents. She authored An Abused Child: Psychodynamic Understanding and Treatment and co-edited Building A Home Within: Meeting the Emotional Needs of Children and Youth in Foster Care.
She has been awarded a Leadership Fellowship with Zero to Three, a Draper Richards Social Entrepreneur Fellowship, a Social Entrepreneur Award from the Manhattan Institute, a Jefferson Award for outstanding public service, and a Purpose Prize, given to social entrepreneurs over the age of 60.