5 Common Football Injuries
If you think you have a contusion, or specifically a quadricep contusion, do not continue physical activity. If you don’t let your body properly heal, you may be at a higher risk of injury down the road. Apply ice on the injured area and then lightly stretch it out. Repeat this cycle for the first 2 to 3 days. Then ease yourself back into exercise.
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Review Date:
October 15, 2015Citation:
Image courtesy of Yobro10 | Dreamstime.com Image courtesy of Seanyu | Dreamstime.com Image courtesy of Pixattitude | Dreamstime.com Image courtesy of Agawa288 | Dreamstime.com Image courtesy of Louis Horch | Dreamstime.com Image courtesy of Andrey Popov | Dreamstime.com Image courtesy of Davesfreelancephotos | Dreamstime.com Image courtesy of Designua | Dreamstime.com Image courtesy of Yobro10 | Dreamstime.com Image courtesy of Alila07 | Dreamstime.com Image courtesy of Richard Thomas | Dreamstime.com Stanford Children's Health, "Sports Injury Statistics" Medline Plus, "Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury CDC, "Heads Up: Concussion in Football" UW Health, "Sports medicine clinic" UCSF Medical Center "MCL Tear" Ortho Info, "Meniscus Tears"
Last Updated:
October 20, 2015