The Best Things You Can Do for Your Heart
Another great way to help your heart is by getting off the couch and doing something — really, anything — to stimulate your heart muscle. Even just walking for half an hour five times a week can have a positive effect on your heart. Exercise can not only help you lose weight, but it can also improve your cholesterol and lower your blood pressure. A sedentary lifestyle — where your job and your leisure activities involve little or no physical activity — may double your risk of dying from heart disease. This is similar to the increased risk you would have if you smoked! Exercise works by helping your heart muscle become more efficient. The more you do, the better your heart is able to pump blood throughout your body. Exercise also increases your levels of HDL, or the "good," cholesterol that lowers heart disease risk. It works by flushing the artery-clogging LDL, or "bad," cholesterol out of your system.
University of Wisconsin-Madison,"The Three Best and Worst Things You Can Do for Your Heart" Cleveland Clinic, "Heart Health Benefits of Chocolate" Group Health, "Exercise Helps Your Heart" Harvard Medical School, "Tests your doctor may order to determine whether you have heart disease" American Heart Association, "Coffee may help perk up your blood vessels" BMJ, "Coffee consumption and coronary artery calcium in young and middle-aged asymptomatic adults" BMJ, "Moderate coffee consumption lessens risk of clogged arteries and heart attacks" American Heart Association, "Stress and Heart Health" Mayo Clinic, "Heart disease" American Heart Association, "Heart-Health Valentine's Day Tips" Image courtesy of Data2203 | Image courtesy of Stephanie Berg | Image courtesy of Chantal Ringuette | Image courtesy of Martinmark | Image courtesy of Yap Kee Chan | Image courtesy of Alexander Raths | Image courtesy of Kiosea39 | Image courtesy of Pavel Losevsky | Image courtesy of Pavalache Stelian | Image courtesy of Martinmark | Image courtesy of Burlesck |