Bipolar Disorder: What You Need to Know
For more information on bipolar disorder, visit the NIMH website. Bipolar disorder can be treated and controlled — don’t hesitate to contact a doctor. If you or someone you know may be thinking about hurting themselves, get help quickly. Call a toll-free suicide hotline like 1-800-273-TALK (8255) for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. Or dial 911 for an emergency.
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Review Date:
May 14, 2015Citation:
Treatment Advocacy Center “Bipolar Disorder - Fact Sheet” National Alliance of Mental Illness “Bipolar Disorder” Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance “Bipolar Disorder Statistics” NAMI “Bipolar Disorder FACT SHEET” NAMI “Bipolar Disorder” DBSA “Types of Bipolar Disorder” DBSA “Bipolar Disorder Statistics” “Bipolar Disorder Treatment” NIMH “Bipolar Disorder”
Last Updated:
May 15, 2015