Bipolar Disorder: What You Need to Know
After someone is diagnosed with bipolar disorder, therapy is a good place to start. Cognitive behavioral therapy (therapy focused on changing thinking patterns) and exposure therapy (therapy focused on overcoming anxieties) can be particularly beneficial for treating bipolar disorder. These therapies may help a patient with bipolar disorder control anxiety levels, stop worrisome thoughts and conquer fears.
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Review Date:
May 14, 2015Citation:
Treatment Advocacy Center “Bipolar Disorder - Fact Sheet” National Alliance of Mental Illness “Bipolar Disorder” Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance “Bipolar Disorder Statistics” NAMI “Bipolar Disorder FACT SHEET” NAMI “Bipolar Disorder” DBSA “Types of Bipolar Disorder” DBSA “Bipolar Disorder Statistics” “Bipolar Disorder Treatment” NIMH “Bipolar Disorder”
Last Updated:
May 15, 2015