Brain Food: What to Avoid
Trans fat — already known for its negative effect of lowering good cholesterol levels and raising bad ones — doesn’t have a good reputation. However, it wasn’t until recently that trans fat became a villain for brain function as well. In a recent study published in Neurology, researchers found that those who consumed high levels of trans fat had lower cognitive function and lower overall brain mass. Common culprits include fried foods, baked goods and processed foods.
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Review Date:
September 2, 2015Citation:
Medline Plus, "Caffeine in the diet" UCLA Newsroom, "This is your brain on sugar: UCLA study shows high-fructose diet sabotages learning, memory" Neurology, "Nutrient biomarker patterns, cognitive function, and MRI measures of brain aging" Mayo Clinic, "Depression (major depressive disorder)" NCBI, "[The effects of dental restorations--an electromyographic study]." Image courtesy of Dawn Hudson | Image courtesy of Alexoakenman | Image courtesy of Jessica Kock | Image courtesy of HandmadePictures | Image courtesy of Alphaspirit | Image courtesy of Djama86 | Image courtesy of Ocusfocus |
Last Updated:
September 2, 2015