Germiest Places You Forget to Clean
Always wash a cutting board with hot, soapy water after use. Also make sure to use a new cutting board for each step of the cooking process. If using the cutting board for raw meat, fish or poultry, the Home Food Safety campaign recommends cleaning with a disinfectant or a tablespoon unscented chlorine bleach and gallon of water.
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Review Date:
July 14, 2014Citation:
California Department of Pesticide Regulation, “Washing Pesticide Work Clothing” CDC, “Everyday Preventive Actions That Can Help Fight Germs, Like Flu“ Michigan State University, “Hand Washing Practices in a College Town Environment” CDC, “An Ounce of Prevention Keeps the Germs Away” CDC, “Handwashing” NSF International, "Germiest Places in the Home" Arizona State, "Here a germ, there a germ, everywhere a … wait!" Home Food Safety, "Safe Care and Washing of Cutting Boards" Courtesy of Theodor38 | Dreamstime By Yinan Chen, via Wikimedia Commons Courtesy of Michael Pettigrew | Dreamstime Courtesy of Kamil Macniak | Dreamstime Courtesy of Candybox Images | Dreamstime By BrokenSphere, via Wikimedia Commons Courtesy of Patryk Kosmider | Dreamstime By Daniel Baranek, via Wikimedia Commons Courtesy of Inara Prusakova | Dreamstime Courtesy of Matthew Benoit | Dreamstime
Last Updated:
July 14, 2014