Habits that Make for a Healthy Mind
Everybody wants to be happy in life, but making happiness your main focus may actually impede positive emotions. One study found that people who valued happiness the most reported worse feelings when dealing with minor stress. This doesn’t mean “stop trying to be happy.” Rather, it may be more productive to pursue happiness indirectly and treat it as a byproduct instead of the main goal.
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Review Date:
March 27, 2014Citation:
Psychology Today, “Reflection critical for self-improvement” Psychology Today, “The Path to Unconditional Self-Acceptance” Psychology Today, “10 Keys to Happier Living Based on Self-Acceptance” Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, “Self-esteem and self-acceptance: an examination into their relationship and t University of Liverpool, “People with depression tend to pursue generalised goals” Psychology Today, “Generalized Goals Linked to Depression” Mayo Clinic, “Chronic stress puts your health at risk” Healthline, “Reduce Your Stress, Reduce Your Risk” University of Rochester Medical Center, “Can Optimism Make a Difference in Your Life?” Journal of Health and Social Behavior, “Life Change and Langner's 22-Item Mental Health Index: A Study and Partial Replication” Mayo Clinic, “Resilience: Build skills to endure hardship” Mayo Clinic, “Tips to improve your resilience” Harvard Health, “Sleep and mental health” Mayo Clinic, “Depression and Exercise” Midline Plus, “Exercise and Physical Fitness” American Heart Association, “Physical activity improves quality of life” American College of Rheumatology, “Exercise and Arthritis” PLOS One, “A Prospective Study of Diet Quality and Mental Health in Adolescents” PBS, “Connection and Happiness” Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, “Social networks, social support, and burden in relationships, and mortality after breast Emotion, “Can seeking happiness make people unhappy? [corrected] Paradoxical effects of valuing happiness.” Emotion, “The pursuit of happiness can be lonely.” Psychology Today, “The Problem with Happiness” Courtesy of Photographerlondon | Dreamstime Courtesy of Zen2000 | Dreamstime Courtesy of Martina1802 | Dreamstime Courtesy of Fechetm | Dreamstime Courtesy of Monkey Business Images | Dreamstime Courtesy of Wavebreakmedia Ltd | Dreamstime Courtesy of David Gilder | Dreamstime Courtesy of Ellobo1 | Dreamstime Courtesy of Martinmark | Dreamstime Courtesy of Stockyimages | Dreamstime Courtesy of Monkey Business Images | Dreamstime Courtesy of Monkey Business Images | Dreamstime
Last Updated:
July 1, 2014