Healthy Snacks Under 200 Calories
When you think of popcorn, you may picture an enormous bucket of buttery, salty indulgence. While movie theater popcorn is far from healthy, plain popcorn can actually be a healthy option for when you’re craving a savory snack! Popcorn’s high-fiber content paired with its low-calorie count is convincing enough, but its high levels of antioxidants are what really make this snack a great choice. Most bags of air-popped, healthy popcorn weigh in at around 100 calories — so feel free to grab two. What better way to make your work day feel like a trip to the movies?
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Review Date:
January 22, 2016Citation:
Image Courtesy of Artmim | Image Courtesy of Gconaughton | Dreamstime Image Courtesy of Grublee | Dreamstime Image Courtesy of Francesco Alessi | Dreamstime Image Courtesy of Alexpro9500 | Dreamstime Image Courtesy of Msphotographic | Dreamstime Image Courtesy of Bert Folsom | Dreamstime Imaage Courtesy of Silberkorn | Dreamstime Health Benefits of Fruit. Healthy eating website. Dairy Council of California. Vegetables and Fruits. Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Carrots. Household USDA Foods Fact Sheet. United States Department of Agriculture Food. The Health Benefits Of Plain Popcorn. Inside Science website. United States Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Service Website. Health Benefits of Milk + Dairy. Healthy eating website. Dairy Council of California. Health Benefits of Grains. Healthy eating website. Dairy Council of California. 10 Benefits of Drinking Chocolate Milk for Nutrition Recovery. Children’s Hospital Colorado Orthopedics Institute website.
Last Updated:
March 19, 2016