Healthy Ways to Make Food Taste Better
Shopping at farmers markets may benefit you as much as it helps the farmers. Locally grown produce often tastes better and may have more nutrients than fruits and vegetables shipped from around the world because the time between being picked and being plated is a lot shorter. Since the shipping time is shorter, these foods generally ripen longer on the vine, rather than while shipping. Some farmers markets may be pricier than box stores. However, some chain supermarkets benefit from community engagement and may offer locally grown produce; it’s generally advertised, so keep your eyes peeled, especially in the fall harvest season.
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October 3, 2014Citation:
Clemson University, “Local Food: Does It Matter What We Eat?” Harvard University, “Rituals Enhance Consumption” American Diabetes Association, “Less Sodium, Just as Much Flavor!” University of Nebraska, “Fresh Herbs: a Picture of Healthy Eating” Journal of Sensory Studies, "DO THE MATERIAL PROPERTIES OF CUTLERY AFFECT THE PERCEPTION OF THE FOOD YOU EAT? AN EXPLORATORY STU Science Direct, "Does the weight of the dish influence our perception of food?" Journal of Sensory Studies, "The Influence of the Color of the Cup on Consumers' Perception of a Hot Beverage" Live Science, "Plate Color May Boost Food's Flavor" Journal of Sensory Studies, "IMPACT OF SERVING TEMPERATURE ON TRAINED PANEL PERCEPTION OF CHEDDAR CHEESE FLAVOR ATTRIBUTES" Live Science, "Some Foods Taste Different Hot or Cold" Nature, "Heat activation of TRPM5 underlies thermal sensitivity of sweet taste." Reader’s Digest, "13+ Things TV Chefs Won't Tell You" Eat Right, "Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics" University of Maryland Medical Center, "Rosemary" Science Daily, "How peppermint helps to relieve irritable bowel syndrome" NC State University, "Cooking with Herbs" Journal of Food Science, "Inhibitory Activity of Asian Spices on Heterocyclic Amines Formation in Cooked Beef Patties" Horticulture and Home Pest News, "Herbs vs. Spices" Science Daily, "Food Tastes Stronger When You're Hungry" University of Vermont, "Ten Reasons to Buy Local Food" Science Direct, "Temperature of served water can modulate sensory perception and acceptance of food" Courtesy of Maggie Molloy | Dreamstime Courtesy of Gergana Gevgalova | Dreamstime Courtesy of Aleksandar Kosev | Dreamstime Courtesy of Evgeniy Kuzmin | Dreamstime By JimmysWG, via Wikimedia Commons Courtesy of Vadymvdrobot | Dreamstime Courtesy of Candybox Images | Dreamstime Courtesy of Elena Elisseeva | Dreamstime Courtesy of Eduard Bonnin Turina | Dreamstime By Britt Reints, via Wikimedia Commons Courtesy of Aaron Twa | Dreamstime
Last Updated:
October 3, 2014