Meat-Free Protein Sources
As many health nuts know, protein is vital for an active lifestyle. Your body uses protein to build and repair tissues. For a speedy recovery after a workout, building lean muscle, curbing hunger, and more, protein is key. But this doesn’t necessarily mean meat, meat and more meat. There are plenty of great meat-free options that are packed with protein. Vegetarians and non-meat lovers, rejoice! Here are some of the best protein sources that don’t require a trip to the deli.
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Review Date:
September 4, 2015Citation:
Academia, "Role of lentils in human health and nutrition: a review" UC Davis, "Protein and Major Cations in California Cottage Cheese and Yogurt" Mayo Clinic, "Whey protein" Mayo Clinic, "Heart disease" Oldways Whole Grain Council, "Health Benefits of Quinoa" Harvard School of Public Health, "Straight talk about soy" Ace Fitness, "The Truth Behind the Greek Yogurt Craze" Image courtesy of Syda Productions | Image courtesy of Vanillaechoes | Image courtesy of Ron Chapple | Image courtesy of Hungryworks | Image courtesy of Photoanto | Image courtesy of Syda Productions | Image courtesy of Izzzy71 | Image courtesy of Alexey Borodin |
Last Updated:
September 24, 2015