Metastatic Cancer: How Cancer Spreads
A non-cancerous tumor is often referred to as a benign tumor, while a cancerous tumor is called malignant. A benign tumor is not necessarily harmless — if it grows too big, it may press on vital organs, such as the brain. But these tumors are rarely fatal, partly due to the fact that benign tumors don’t spread. A malignant tumor, on the other hand, is invasive and may spread (metastasize) to other parts of the body. Cancerous cells are deadly because of the damage they can cause to local tissue and organs. Due to this damage, the rate that a cancerous tumor grows and spreads can significantly impact the severity of the disease as well as the available treatment options. All cancers have the potential to spread to other organs in the body, but some types of cancer have a higher risk of spreading to specific areas.
Seminars In Cancer Biology, "Molecular networks that regulate cancer metastasis." dailyRx, "Surprising Facts About Melanoma" Science Museum, London, "How does cancer begin?" Genetics Home Reference, "Cells and DNA" American Cancer Society, "Known and Probable Human Carcinogens" American Cancer Society, "Other Carcinogens" Pancreatic Cancer Action, "What is the difference between a benign and malignant tumour?" The Oral Cancer Foundation, "Metastasis" Canadian Cancer Society, "Metastatic cancer overview" American Cancer Society, "What Is Cancer?" American Cancer Society, "What is metastatic cancer?" MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia, "Lymph system" American Cancer Society, "Unlocking the Mysteries of Metastasis" American Cancer Society, "Lymph Nodes and Cancer" National Cancer Institute, "Metastatic Cancer Fact Sheet" American Cancer Society, "Unlocking the Mysteries of Metastasis" Hindawi Publishing Corporation, "Metastatic Behavior in Melanoma: Timing, Pattern, Survival, and Influencing Factors" National Cancer Institute, "Metastatic Cancer Fact Sheet" Mayo Clinic, "Prostate cancer Complications" Uniting Against Lung Cancer, “Study shows most patients with incurable cancer still hold hope for a cure” Image Courtesy of Monkey Business Images | Dreamstime Image Courtesy of Nobeastsofierce | Dreamstime Image Courtesy of Melcor | Dreamstime Image Courtesy of Vesna Njagulj | Dreamstime Image Courtesy of Andrei Malov | Dreamstime Image Courtesy of Jezper | Dreamstime Image Courtesy of Roman Werni | Dreamstime Image Courtesy of Mopic | Dreamstime Image Courtesy of Monkey Business Images | Dreamstime