Swimming Tips for Beginners
You have a cap, goggles, towels and a swimsuit. But, according to USA Swimming, some other swimming aids may help make your workout more beneficial. Fins (devices that fit on a swimmer’s feet) can help swimmers increase their speed when kicking long distances. Kickboards (floating devices used by swimmers during practice) can enhance a swimmer’s kicking skills. Paddles (plastic devices placed on a swimmer’s hands during practice) can add resistance to the stroke to build arm muscles and help position the body better when a swimmer is not kicking.
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Review Date:
June 25, 2015Citation:
Image courtesy of Stig Karlsson | Dreamstime.com Image courtesy of Ljupco Smokovski | Dreamstime.com Image courtesy of Scott Hales | Dreamstime.com Image courtesy of Robert Kneschke | Dreamstime.com Image courtesy of Anna Hristova | Dreamstime.com Image courtesy of Valua Vitaly | Dreamstime.com Image courtesy of Landd09 | Dreamstime.com CDC, "Healthy Swimming/Recreational Water" USA Swimming, "EQUIPMENT" Health Finder, "Swim Safely: Quick tips" American Red Cross, "Swim Safety" Duke Medicine, "Myth or fact: Should you wait to swim after eating?"
Last Updated:
June 25, 2015