Time for Change - 8 Fall Tips
If you are feeling sick, avoid taking any left over antibiotics that you or a friend may have from a previous condition. It is important to visit your doctor to determine the cause of your illness since antibiotics won’t help viral infections like the flu and the common cold. In addition to being ineffective for non-bacterial diseases, using antibiotics when they are not needed allows some bacteria to become resistant to the medication, making the bacteria stronger and harder to kill. If you are prescribed antibiotics, be sure to continue taking the medication even if your symptoms improve. Stopping an antibiotic regimen early also contributes to antibiotic resistance.
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Review Date:
September 15, 2014Citation:
National Safety Council, “Autumn Hazards” Iowa State University, “Carbon Monoxide Poisoning: Unvented Gas Space Heating Appliances” US Consumer Product Safety Commission, “Change Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm Batteries When Changing Clocks This Weekend; CPSC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, "Autumn Health and Safety Tips" TODAY, "Quit touching your face, flu researchers say" Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, "Frequently Asked Questions" Drugs.com, "Carbon Monoxide Exposure - Care Guide" LoveToKnow, "Fall Season Safety Tips" Simi Valley Acorn, "Avoid a fall during autumn cleanup" Courtesy of Alexey Poprotskiy | Dreamstime Courtesy of Ron Chapple | Dreamstime Courtesy of Muriel Lasure | Dreamstime Courtesy of Ryan Jorgensen | Dreamstime Courtesy of Ryan Mahle, via Wikimedia Commons Courtesy of Constantin Opris | Dreamstime Courtesy of Showface | Dreamstime
Last Updated:
September 15, 2014