Time for Change - 8 Fall Tips
As you work to clear those falling leaves, make sure you keep your driveway and walkway clear, as sidewalks can become slipping hazards for pedestrians. If you decide to spruce up your yard by trimming trees and raking leaves, consider these safety tips:
- Use a comfortable rake meant for your height and strength. Gloves can help prevent blisters.
- Wear shoes or boots with slip-resistant soles.
- Wear protective gear like goggles and long pants.
- Never throw leaves over your shoulder or to the side. The twisting motion can place extra stress on your back.
- Do not overfill leaf bags, especially if the leaves are wet. You want to be able to carry the bags comfortably.
- Use caution on ladders and wear appropriate shoes like rubber-soled boots that are free of debris or any slippery, wet substance. Make sure your shoelaces are tightly tied and remember, leather-soled shoes are slippery. In addition, make sure your ladder is positioned on a flat surface before you begin to climb, and steer clear of any power lines.
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Review Date:
September 15, 2014Citation:
National Safety Council, “Autumn Hazards” Iowa State University, “Carbon Monoxide Poisoning: Unvented Gas Space Heating Appliances” US Consumer Product Safety Commission, “Change Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm Batteries When Changing Clocks This Weekend; CPSC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, "Autumn Health and Safety Tips" TODAY, "Quit touching your face, flu researchers say" Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, "Frequently Asked Questions" Drugs.com, "Carbon Monoxide Exposure - Care Guide" LoveToKnow, "Fall Season Safety Tips" Simi Valley Acorn, "Avoid a fall during autumn cleanup" Courtesy of Alexey Poprotskiy | Dreamstime Courtesy of Ron Chapple | Dreamstime Courtesy of Muriel Lasure | Dreamstime Courtesy of Ryan Jorgensen | Dreamstime Courtesy of Ryan Mahle, via Wikimedia Commons Courtesy of Constantin Opris | Dreamstime Courtesy of Showface | Dreamstime
Last Updated:
September 15, 2014