Top Cancer Fighting Foods
Flaxseed is a fiber crop that is grown in cooler parts of the world. Along with being high in dietary fiber, researchers have also identified alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), an omega-3 fat. Dietary fiber is known to help reduce the risk of cancer while the presence of ALA increases anti-inflammatory properties.
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Review Date:
January 8, 2014Citation:
American Institute for Cancer Research, “AICR’s Foods That Fight Cancer” Dr. Fuhrman, “Eat For Health - The Anti-Cancer Diet” American Association of Cancer Research, “3,3′-Diindolylmethane Is a Novel Mitochondrial H+-ATP Synthase Inhibitor..." Arthritis Foundation, "How Cherries Help Fight Arthritis" NCHPAD, "Eating Well to Fight Arthritis" Courtesy of Wavebreakmedia Ltd | Dreamstime Courtesy of Barbro Bergfeldt | Dreamstime Courtesy of Nevinates | Dreamstime Courtesy of Mona Makela | Dreamstime Courtesy of Felinda | Dreamstime Courtesy of Francesco Alessi | Dreamstime Courtesy of Yap Kee Chan | Dreamstime Courtesy of Alain | Dreamstime Courtesy of Lucian Milasan | Dreamstime Courtesy of Emilia Stasiak | Dreamstime Courtesy of Elena Schweitzer | Dreamstime Courtesy of B2t | Dreamstime Courtesy of Valentyn75 | Dreamstime Courtesy of Tatiana Mostovskaya | Dreamstime Courtesy of Kakarlapudi Venkata Sivanaga Raju | Dreamstime Courtesy of Tomboy2290 | Dreamstime Courtesy of Denis Pepin | Dreamstime Courtesy of Steven Cukrov | Dreamstime Courtesy of Og-vision | Dreamstime Courtesy of Harun | Dreamstime
Last Updated:
July 1, 2014