Understanding Chiari Malformations
According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders & Stroke, chiari malformations that can be acquired and are usually discovered during adulthood are classified as type 1 CMs. These CMs involve the lower part of the cerebellum extending into the foramen magnum (the hole in the base of the skull through which the spinal cord passes). The brainstem is not involved in this type. Type 2, also known as classic CM, occurs when both the cerebellum and the brainstem go into the foramen magnum. Type 2 CMs are usually accompanied by myelomeningocele (a form of spina bifida that occurs when the spinal canal and backbone don't close before birth). This can result in partial or complete paralysis.
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Review Date:
August 4, 2015Citation:
CSF, "What is Chiari I Malformation (CM)?" NIH, "Chiari Malformation Fact Sheet" Neuroscience Online, "Overview: Functions of the Cerebellum" Conquer Chiari, "Chiari FAQ's" CARTA, "Foramen Magnum Placement" Columbia Neurosurgeons, "Chiari Malformation" Johns Hopkins, "Chiari Malformation" AANS, "Chiari Malformation" Chiari & Syringomyelia Foundation, "About Chiari Malformation" National Organization for Rare Diseases, "Chiari Malformations" Weill Cornell Brain and Spine Center, "Chiari Malformation" University of Chicago Medicine, "Chiari Malformation Type I" Image courtesy of Designua | Dreamstime.com Image courtesy of Andrei Malov | Dreamstime.com Image courtesy of Dml5050 | Dreamstime.com Image courtesy of Puwadol Jaturawutthichai | Dreamstime.com Image courtesy of Dml5050 | Dreamstime.com Image courtesy of Epstock | Dreamstime.com Image courtesy of Alexander Podshivalov | Dreamstime.com
Last Updated:
August 4, 2015