Worst Cities for Winter Allergies in 2013
The AAFA places Omaha, Nebraska on the #13 spot on the list of worst cities for those with allergies in the winter and fall of 2013. Omaha, a city with a population of nearly 900,000, may be especially challenging for people allergic to local pollinating weeds like amaranth, goosefoot, marsh elder, ragweed, and sage.
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Review Date:
December 16, 2013Citation:
Allergy Capitals, "AAFA 2013 Allergy Capitals" dailyRx News, "Allergies Overview, Treatment & More" Courtesy of Chris Bence | Dreamstime Courtesy of Benkrut | Dreamstime Courtesy of Natalia Bratslavsky | Dreamstime Courtesy of Melinda Fawver | Dreamstime Courtesy of Ffooter | Dreamstime Courtesy of Mashe | Dreamstime Courtesy of Dean Neitman | Dreamstime Courtesy of Wellesenterprises | Dreamstime
Last Updated:
July 1, 2014