Health News
Behaving Badly: A Childhood Disorder
Millions of children across the United States are affected by attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). These children have to deal with a all sorts of behavioral problems, which can make both school and social situations difficult to manage.
ADHD Doubles the Risk of Injury for Schoolchildren
Serious injuries are serious business among children; they are the leading cause of death among American youth, killing more 11-year-old kids in the United States than all other causes combined.
Kids Need Green Time
Kids will be kids inside or outside. Even kids with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder need some play time. Let them feel the grass between their toes, you’ll be glad you did.
Getting Your Bell Rung
With football season in full swing, it's time to get reacquainted with concussions: what to expect, how to treat and when to return to action.
Missing the Mark with ADHD Kids
Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) usually struggle with behavior that is impulsive and overactive, or difficulty keeping their attention focused, or both.
A Matter of Focus
Even as a toddler, a little boy named Lee was super active. He didn't have time for crawling. No, he started walking at about 9 months.
Special Needs Kids Bullied & Isolated
Kids with special needs are struggling in the classroom, far more than their peers. Kids with special needs feel more isolated, are the victims of bullying at far greater rates, and are less motivated to do well academically.
1 in 10 Children May Have ADHD
Over the last decade, the numbers of American children diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have been increasing, more than 2 percent from just ten years ago.
Possible new ADHD treatment affects receptors
ADHD is the most commonly diagnosed neurobehavioral disorder of childhood, with nearly one in 10 children aged 4-17 diagnosed with the disorder at some point.
Green Spaces are Good Places for ADHD Play
What if there were a healthy, low-cost, easy-access way to manage attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms in youngsters? There is - outdoors.