Health News

Metabolic Risks Linked to Knee Arthritis
Metabolic syndrome is the name for a group of factors that boost the risk of heart disease and diabetes. Now, it seems metabolic syndrome may also be linked to the "wear-and-tear" of arthritis.
Are You Fat?
The image of "obesity" often conjures up people who can barely fit through a doorway or who always require two airline seats.
Heavier Babies May Face Future Diabetes
From the moment you are born, your weight has an impact on your health. If your baby is overweight, he or she may be in store for health problems in the future.
Obesity May Speed-Up Cognitive Decline
Keeping a healthy weight has many benefits. Recent research suggests that it may also help keep memory sharp as you age. A recent study looked at people’s weight and other health problems, like high blood pressure or high cholesterol.
Surgery May Cut Diabetic Heart Risk
Weight loss surgery has been shown to be an excellent treatment for obese people with diabetes. Since diabetes can raise the risk of heart disease, it is important to know the heart risks of weight loss surgery.
Police Stress is Unhealthy
Working as a police officer is stressful; so stressful, it turns out, that police officers may have a higher risk for a variety of physical and mental health problems.
Weight Loss Surgery Reverses Diabetes
Diabetes patients often gain better control of their disease through healthy lifestyle choices. But when diet and exercise aren't enough, weight loss surgery may do the trick, especially for obese patients.
'Blood-Letting' Delivers Health Benefits
The practice of blood-letting or bleeding patients was abandoned in the 19th  century when it became clear there was little benefit. New research suggests the barbaric-sounding practice could offer a very real heart benefit.
Half of Overweight Teens at Early Heart Risk
A soaring increase in the number of teenagers suffering from diabetes means that more than a third of presumably healthy normal-weight adolescents are at risk of heart disease.
One in Three Adults Have Hypertension
One in three adults around the world has elevated blood pressure, a World Health Organization (WHO) report has indicated. The report also emphasized increasing rates of diabetes and obesity.