Health News

Should New Moms Take Anti-depressants?
Deciding whether to take medication while pregnant can be a tough decision. It becomes tougher when the risks and benefits are not always clear, such as with mental health medications.
Treat Depression to Boost Immunity
The immune system is a funny animal. It's job is to protect the rest of the body, but it can be affected by the health of the rest of the body too – even mental health.
Mixing Mental Health and Substance Use
If you're treating a teen for mental health, it's important to understand the big picture. The big picture includes how much they drink, smoke or use marijuana.
When High School Really IS Depressing
There is no shortage of teenagers who will tell you their high school is a depressing place. But some of them may be on to something.
Unstable Homes, Less Stable Minds
A variety of factors can contribute to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Among these may be violence in the home and depression in children's parents.
Sex, Teen Girls and the Internet
It's no secret that the Internet is full of sex – and sexual predators. This environment presents risks to teenagers especially, but some are more at risk than others.
Sleep, Baby, Sleep… And Stay Asleep
Some debates never seem to have hope for resolution. One of those may be the discussion of whether parents should let babies cry themselves to sleep or not.
Dad, Don't Suck it Up
Mental illness often runs in families. Children are generally at a higher risk for a mental disorder if a parent has one. These patterns can show up very early in children's lives.
Are You Angry – or Grateful?
Seeking strength from God to deal with illness is just as common as being angry at God for an illness. But the way these two attitudes affect an individual is quite different.
Help Children Cope with Traumatic News
As the news of the school shooting in Newtown, Conn. sinks in across the nation, many parents may be struggling to find ways to help their children process the news.